Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25 - Box #4

Today, three people accompanied me to the CSA pick up place to see how it all works. My friend Marla, her friend Nancy, and my daughter Emily. They watched how I sign my name on the sheet, take the contents out of a box and put it into my cloth bags and then fold the box up in the corner to be used again. It was really fun to watch everyone's faces as I kept pulling unusual green things out of the box - "Look! A Swiss Chard! A cabbage! Some weird green things that look like fans!" (These turned out to be Collard greens). Things just kept coming out of that box like clowns out of a circus car. When I was done, I had:
  • Cabbage
  • Red Oak Leaf Lettuce
  • Beets
  • Strawberries! (best I ever tasted!)
  • Escarole (I mistook this for some sort of lettuce)
  • Collard greens (I didn't know WHAT these were when I saw them)
  • Fennel
  • Basil
  • Swiss Chard

When we were done packing up our vegetables, Marla looked at the haul and then said in her own unique Marla-style - "Wow, you guys must have no trouble pooping." No comment.

We already ate half the strawberries - they are unbelievably good. And I had a salad of the red oak leaf lettuce tonight for dinner. I'd never had it before -- it's probably the most attractive lettuce I've ever seen. It really does look like red oak leaves. And it was easier to wash than some of the other greens have been.

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